Wednesday, April 13, 2016

L is for...Limitless Publishing

L is for...

June 2015 I published a book with Limitless Publishing and this past March I published my second book with them. It was my jump from self-publishing to an indie publisher. The biggest perks of joining Limitless are the amazing covers, fantastic editors, and the family I've gained by publishing with them. I've learned so much since joining them and have become an even better writer from the tips I have picked up from fellow authors and editors.

Anyone else take the leap and enjoy their publishers?


Nilanjana Bose said...

Well done on the L entry. Congrats on becoming an accomplished author and being up to date with your challenge posts!

Happy A-Zing!

Ninja Minion

The Voluptuous Book Diva said...

So happy for you!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your books. I've only self published, but have a few friends who have gone with small publishers. Any time a book is released is exciting.

~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
Story Dam
Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

DA Roach said...

Thank you <3

DA Roach said...

Patricia Lynne, indeed, release day is huge! Do you do anything special on your release days? My first book I visited with a friend (aka nothing bookish), the second book my PA threw me a release party on fb.

Best wishes!

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